Mast Reforestation

Mast Reforestation

Pine tree

Climate change is making wildfires more frequent and more severe. As forests are having a hard time recovering on their own, Mast is a one-stop shop for reforestation, providing seed, seedlings, planting, and carbon financing for landowners affected by wildfires. All services are provided at no upfront cost to landowners, whether they're families, companies, or public agencies.

Mast Reforestation is helping our forests recover from wildfires by offering a one-stop shop for reforestation.

Mast operates the largest tree seed bank west of the Mississippi and has the capacity to grow more than 30 million seedlings each year — this includes the majority of seedlings produced in California for reforestation. By combining Silvaseed Nursery's seed bank with Cal Forest's extensive nursery capacity, Mast is able to complete every complex step in the reforestation process in months instead of years. It's all paid for using “carbon financing”: using payments from companies that value the carbon dioxide removal performed by Mast's projects to reduce upfront costs to landowners.

  • 7M

    The current rolling average of land burned from fires per year, compared with the annual average of 2 million acres per year in decades before the ‘90s.

  • 6X

    Increase in the number of acres across the West that were burned, in an average year, in the 2010s compared to 1970s.

  • 30%

    Percentage of all annual reforestation seedling production that Mast provides for landowners and managers across 11 western states.

Background image of a forest

Mast seedlings are the first seedlings grown specifically to take root and thrive in post-fire environments.

  • Watching a video of a forest after a wildfire on a laptop. A users hands in view

    Why This Matters

    Climate change is making wildfires bigger, hotter, and more frequent, which is devastating forests and their ability to regrow naturally. Restoring the land with native trees brings more species of wildlife, helps naturally filter water, and removes carbon from the atmosphere.

  • Mast Reforestation founder standing under power lines

    What You Can Do

    Our forests need help recovering from wildfires. Learn more about how Mast is scaling reforestation and removing carbon.

    Learn More