

An Ampaire aircraft

Electric power promises a cleaner, more affordable future for air transportation. Ampaire has developed and is flying the AMP Drive system in multiple hybrid-electric aircrafts. They’re the leader in hybrid-electric with over 22,000 miles flown across their fleet and with a 100% safety record. They will be the first to reach mass market with hybrid-electric technology, leading the industry to a sustainable future.

Ampaire is working to create the first propulsion systems to power hybrid-electric aircraft.

Ampaire was formed in 2016 with a mission to become the world's most-trusted developer of practical, compelling electric aircraft. They’ve developed a platform of hybrid electric and electric propulsion technologies applicable across numerous aircraft types. Upgrading existing aircraft to hybrid electric power is Ampaire’s rapid, capital efficient approach to making commercial electric air travel a reality with available technology.

  • 75%

    ↓ Emissions reduction.

  • 30%

    ↓ Reduction in maintenance cost.

  • 50%

    ↓ Reduction in energy.

  • 20 DB

    ↓ Reduction in noise.

  • Kevin Noertker

    Co-Founder and CEO of Ampaire

  • Why This Matters

    Accelerating electric aviation will make air travel accessible for everyone and sustainable for generations to come. The industry needs a solution that works right now for real routes and customers. One that actually saves them money. Ampaire’s scalable hybrid propulsion system provides that solution, with exciting new capabilities uniquely enabled by electrification.

  • What You Can Do

    Travel and transportation make up 15% of global emissions. 70% is from vehicles and 12% comes from air travel, so staying closer to home can have a massive impact. A 6+ hour flight has nearly the same per-person carbon emissions as driving for a year, so consider taking local vacations to reduce long flights until hybrid-electric planes are ready for boarding.

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