Digital scans for better HVAC plans

Conduit Tech
Conduit is building the data and financing backbone for the mass deployment of building retrofit technologies. Conduit uses LiDAR sensors in consumer electronics to build digital twins of residential structures. These digital scans enable HVAC contractors to analyze the scanned buildings and get all the information they need to design, sell, and plan the install for the optimal heat pump, air distribution system, and envelope retrofits to move a structure along its decarbonization pathway.
Building tools that help HVAC pros electrify homes profitably. Because climate innovations only work if people use them.

Why this matters
When it comes to decarbonizing building operations, one-half of the equation is inventing and manufacturing breakthrough technologies, the other half is the mass deployment of that technology. This mass deployment requires the widespread buy-in and capabilities of skilled labor across the world. This buy-in is only possible if this work is easy and profitable.
What you can do
Switch out your fossil-fuel heating systems (like gas-powered boilers) for ones that use renewable energy. The top clean options are air and ground source heat pumps, solar thermal systems, and wood pellet furnaces. Check out Conduit to learn more about opportunities to decarbonize your own home.
Shortage of HVAC techs
Emissions from building HVAC
Average age HVAC techs

Speed & Scale