Putting waste to work removing carbon


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Card Vaulted Deep

Vaulted Deep

Vd dangler

Vaulted Deep is pioneering a new kind of carbon removal, one that not only helps fight climate change, but also helps protect local ecosystems and communities. Their slurry injection technology diverts organic waste from landfills, incineration, waterways, or land application — where they would otherwise release carbon, methane, and pathogens back out into our atmosphere and local communities — and injects the waste thousands of feet deep underground to ensure it is safely sequestered permanently.

Working to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere so we can have hope for a habitable and healthy future planet.

  • Why this matters

    Globally, mankind produces about 15 gigatons of organic waste every year. The vast majority of this isn't productively used, so it releases harmful pollutants and pathogens into our atmosphere and communities. Our technology puts organic waste to work with the potential to annually remove 5 gigatons of carbon in the coming years.

  • What you can do

    If you want to limit your own climate impact, going carbon neutral or net zero is an effective way to do so. To get to net zero, you can purchase high-quality carbon removal credits –– those that are verified, permanent, safe, and measurable. Identifying trustworthy credits can be difficult, so be on the lookout for bogus carbon credits that fail to generate the carbon removal they claim.

    Learn More

  • 10,000+ year durability


    Year durability

  • 5,000+ Carbon Removal Credits Issued


    Tons of CO2

  • ~5GT Potential Carbon Removed Annually

    ~5 Gigatons

    Potential carbon removed annually

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