Project Eats

Project EATS

A green caterpillar with black stripes and yellow spots

Communities deserve to grow their own food right where they live. Project EATS is a living installation transforming vacant lots and rooftops into neighborhood-based farms supporting farm stands, pantries, prepared food, and community programs. Project EATS catalyzes creativity and cultivates greater food sovereignty across New York City.

Linda advocates for a connection to “our innate ability to use what we have to create what we need”.

Project EATS was founded in 2009 by artist Linda Goode Bryant. Linda's decades of art-based activism began with her founding of Just Above Midtown gallery (JAM) which was a self-described laboratory incubating the work of African-American artists including David Hammons, Maren Hassinger, Butch Morris, Senga Nengudi, Lorraine O’Grady, Howardena Pindell and many others. JAM’s explicit purpose was to be “in, but not of, the art world” offering early — and often unique — opportunities to artists to experiment and create freely, away from art market pressures.

After closing JAM, Linda dedicated herself to filmmaking, directing the Peabody award-winning documentary Flag Wars (2003), an intimate portrait of a community in-flux that explores the tensions between preservation and gentrification. Learn more about Project EATS at

A collage with a farmer showing off crops
A collage with a farmer showing off crops
  • Linda Goode Bryant



    Making art is uniquely human. It enhances who we are and how we relate to one another. It makes us more empathetic and understanding of the world around us. It helps us relate to people we don’t see as similar to ourselves. All of those who make art, no matter what form, understand this.


    See what’s in front of you and do something with it. Be a catalyst. Imagine and make what you need. Partner with people to create ways they can thrive where they live.

    We are uniquely wired to transform what we imagine into something tangible others can experience. We are wired to create social connections among huge groups of people through the ability to imagine and transform. Visit to learn how to get involved locally.

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