Card Bro Sis

The Brotherhood Sister Sol

Watercolor painting of a butterfly.

For nearly 30 years, The Brotherhood Sister Sol (BroSis) has been at the forefront of social justice, educating, organizing and training to challenge inequity and champion opportunity for all. With a focus on Black and Latinx youth, BroSis is where young people claim the power of their history, identity and community to build the future they want to see. Through unconditional love, around-the-clock support and wraparound programming, they make space for Black and Latinx young people to examine their roots, define their stories and awaken their agency.

BROSIS provides five day-a-week after school care, counseling, summer camps, college preparation, employment opportunities, activist training, community gardening, and intensive arts programming.

Their Theory of Change is to provide multi-layered support, guidance, education and love to their membership; to teach them to have self-discipline and form order in their lives; and to offer opportunities and access so they may develop agency. At BroSis, they have and always will elevate young people as agents of positive change.

They train educators and organizers to spark and scale impact, setting the standard for social justice youth development nationwide and worldwide. They have trained over 3,000 educators from 300 different organizations throughout the country to serve another 25,000 young people and are currently working closely with schools and organizations in New York City, Boston, and Washington, D.C. Together with our members, alumni, and partners, BroSis builds on its legacy of youth-led activism to realize a more just and equitable future.

  • Custom graphic that displays 94% in black and white.

    Alumni have graduated from high school or earned a GED.

  • Custom graphic that displays 95% in black and white.

    Alumni are working full time or enrolled in college.

My favorite program is the environmental program. You learn about climate justice and being a leader. Being in BroSis allows me to be a leader, but also allows me to be a learner, which is such a key component of being a leader. There are so many different opportunities to learn and gain different skills.”

Youth Member, Jacob
purple to white circle gradient
Collage of photos of a greenhouse, a large building, and a garden with flowers and plants.
Collage of photos of a greenhouse, a large building, and a garden with flowers and plants.
  • Why This Matters

    BroSis sees the challenges facing Black and Latinx young people every day because they live them. From educational opportunity to social and economic mobility, they see how everything is interconnected — including the barriers they face. That’s why their community fights and unites for equity and justice for every young person.

  • What You Can Do

    Young people need support, guidance, education, mentorship, and love. Elevate the next generation by volunteering, becoming a mentor, or contributing your expertise as a guest speaker with BroSis.

    Learn More