Engineering A high-res CLIMATE VISION


Card NVIDIA video overlay mobile

NVIDIA Earth-2

Nvidia dangler

NVIDIA's Earth-2 is a digital twin cloud platform that combines the power of AI, physical simulations and computer graphics technologies to enable the next generation of climate tech applications that can simulate and visualize weather and climate predictions at a global scale with unprecedented accuracy and speed.

Simulating our weather and climate is critical for understanding, preparing, and planning to mitigate climate change.

  • Why this matters

    The idea of being able to limit the loss of life and capital by being better prepared for extreme events drives NVIDIA's work. Their hope is to enable greater access and agency to all stakeholders, to leverage GPU technology for enabling simulation, and AI to explore, understand, and address climate change.

  • What you can do

    Try the NVIDIA Earth-2 Interactive Visualization on Graphics Delivery Network (GDN) to see how the Earth-2 platform enables interactive exploration of high-resolution weather and climate simulation datasets. This demo can be easily explored from any device, bringing worldwide access to these high-resolution insights for science, outreach, and education.

    Learn More

  • 12x higher resolution


    Higher resolution

  • Nvidia stat 2


    Accelerated analysis

  • Nvidia stat 3


    Less energy consumption