Hudson River Park

Hudson River Park

Stylized seahorse framed inside circles

The lower Hudson River Estuary within and beyond Hudson River Park in Manhattan is a remarkable natural resource and one of the most significant estuarine habitats in the United States. The Park's waters support a diverse ecosystem of regional ecological importance, and its dozens of recreational piers and protected Estuarine Sanctuary connect millions of New Yorkers and visitors from around the world to the Hudson River.

Hudson River Park connects millions of New Yorkers and visitors from around the world to the Hudson River.

In 1998, a State law was enacted to ensure that the people of New York would forever be able to access and enjoy the magnificent resource that is the Hudson River. When Hudson River Park was created, the public could only safely access small portions of the riverfront due to its overall deteriorated condition.

Today, tens of thousands of visitors connect with the River directly on boats and through a wide range of environmental programming. Millions more visit the Park to experience nature while walking, exercising or sunning along the River’s edge. Meanwhile, within the water, scientists are monitoring oyster growth and researching the extent of pollutants contaminating our water system. At every turn, there are countless examples of how Hudson River Park is protecting the Sanctuary and reconnecting New Yorkers to its waters.

  • A statistic 30,000

    Each year Hudson River Park educates over 30,000 children and adults about the Sanctuary.

  • 35 Million

    Since 2021, the Park installed over hundreds of habitat structures seeded with 35 million juvenile oysters from Tribeca to the Meatpacking District.

  • A statistic 505,000 pounds

    In 2021, the Park’s Community Compost program diverted a record-breaking 505,000 pounds of organic waste from food scraps and Park plant material.

  • Tina Walsh

    Assistant VP of
Education & Outreach

  • Why This Matters

    The Park’s prominent location in Manhattan, adjacent to many schools, non-profits and businesses, creates unparalleled opportunities to engage with diverse audiences throughout its four-mile footprint. Every year, the Park offers a wealth of field trips, public programs, volunteer opportunities, teacher trainings, and conservation internships that expand awareness of the 400-acre Estuarine Sanctuary included within the Park’s boundaries, making science relevant and accessible.

  • What You Can Do

    Protect your waterways. Support your parks. Center your community. Learn more about your local environment. Advocate for greater sustainability initiatives. Become a steward.

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