If nature made plastic


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Shellworks is revolutionizing materials with a bold mission to eliminate plastic pollution and drive real, transformative change. They have addressed the issue at its core by creating Vivomer—a groundbreaking, waste-free material built collaboratively with nature. Grown in the cells of naturally occurring microbes found in soil and marine environments, Vivomer is designed to be durable and reliable during use, just like plastic. The difference? Once disposed of, the same microbes found in nature consume and break it down completely, leaving nothing behind. It turns out nature makes plastic, and this is it.

Breaking the reliance on petroleum by working to eliminate plastic pollution.

  • Why this matters

    Plastic is polluting our oceans, overwhelming landfills, and invading our bodies. Shellworks is leading the charge to create a future free of petroleum plastics, toxic chemicals, and waste. Their game-changing, natural material, Vivomer, is designed to preforms like plastic during use but biodegrades naturally in soil or compost once disposed of, leaving nothing behind. Uncompromising in both aesthetics and functionality, this innovative solution delivers the same durability and scalability of plastic, while making a powerful step toward a cleaner, more sustainable world.

  • What you can do

    Support brands that are shaping the future with Vivomer and look for the Shellworks logo on the bottom of products. Inspire your favorite brands to leave plastic behind and embrace materials that are home-compostable and built by nature. Together, we have the power to accelerate the shift and show brands that there is a better way.

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  • Sw stat 2


    Units shipped to date

  • 27 tons of plastic saved to date

    27 Tons

    Of plastic saved to date

  • Sw stat 1


    Tonnes of plastic waste